IAR Recyclers Newspress March / April 2014 - page 14

Page 14
Recyclers News Press
3rdAnnual IowaHill Day
March6, 2014
Continued fromCover...
recyclers in the state. Affectionately known as the
“Scrapper Definition” bill the languagewas amended
to the original DOT bill to include thoseengaged in
the business of automotive recycling and those adver-
tised as being engaged in thebusiness of automotive
recycling among the entities that are required to be
licensed in the state of Iowa. This one addition to the
languagewill allow theDOT enforcement officers to
better executeaction against thosequasi-business
entities that advertise as conducting auto salvage.
Section321H.2, Code
2014, isamended
to read
as follows
9. “Vehicle sal-
vager”means aperson
engaged in
, or advertising
asbeingengaged in,
business of scrapping, re-
cycling, dismantling, or
storingwrecked or dam-
aged vehicles or selling
reusableparts of vehicles
or storing vehicles not cur-
rently registeredwhich ve-
hicles are vehicles subject
to registration.
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