IAR Recyclers Newspress March / April 2014 - page 6

Page 6
Recyclers News Press
Attendees: Tracy, Andy, Joel, Pat, EricCP,
MikeD, EricLP, TomQ, Jodi, MikeS, Dave,
TomS, MikeW, Brent &Sue.
Call to order and roll call byPresident TracyHurst at
1:06 pm.
Tracymadeopening remarks including thanking eve-
ryone for being activeBoardMembers. Theprogress
that IARmakes is adirect result of thededication
shown by thisBoard of Directors. TracywantsCom-
mitteeChairs tobring ideas to theMarch 5
meeting at theHill Day event.What is theassociation
goal?What shouldwe beworking on?
Joel McCawprovided theTreasurer’sReport. Given
the recent dues increase tobalance the budget due to
rising costs of hosting events and travel, all futuremo-
tions that include expenditureswill need togo through
a financial reviewand allocation of funds beforepass-
ing. Options such as fund raisers and sponsorships
were discussed asways to cover costs.
Lobbyist JimPiazza, Jr’s contract was reviewed.
Brentmadeamotion toaccept Jim’s contract as
agreedwith a second fromAndy;motion carried.
Tracywill send a signed copy to Jimandask that he
return the countersigned copy toSue.
Discussion of theDOT “scrapper definition bill” in-
volved agreeing to support thebill by amotionmade
and carried theprevious day via email.What level of
decisionmaking does the LegislativeCommittee
have?All decisionsmust bemade by the full Board
after the LegislativeCommittee fully vets the issue
andmakes a recommendation.
Sue recappeda discussion she hadwithDOT on the
Department of RevenueSales Tax onSalvage sold to
the public. The next stepwill be tomake IDR contact
VictoriaDaniels aware of the success in revenue col-
lection inCalifornia last year.
By-LawsUpdatewere discussed anda committee
was formed. If changes to theRole of Past Presi-
dents, recent conduct andquorum issues and term
limitations are to beenacted, theBy-Lawsmust be
updated, distributed to themembershipas awhole
prior to calling for a voteat a full Membermeeting
such as theSummerOuting. TheCommitteewill be-
gin their review.
A discussion onwhat theassociation can do tohelp
members sell more parts focusedon recruitingwhole-
sale parts buyers andpartsmarket targets.
Hill Day - Plan toget a few
Members toattend –
MikeWaterbury volunteered tomake a list of Board
Members assigned to be the contact person for Direct
Members. EachBoardMember will be assigned
threemembers to keep in contact with on issues,
goals andevents. Hotel reservations are neededby
Feb 17, 2014.
Sue is looking intoparticipating an internship program
formarketing students. If selected, this programwill
assigna student team towork on amarketing aspect
such as promoting green recycled parts or a con-
sumer protectionmessage for fraudprotectionor en-
vironmental protectionwhen recyclewith licensed
and compliant auto recycler.
Next Meetings:
February 18, 2014 5:15pmConferenceCall
March 5, 20143:00-5:00pmEmbassySuites, Des
Moines –PACReception 5:30 -7:30 pm
March 6, 20147:00am –2:00pmHill Day DSM
April 15, 20145:15pmConferenceCall
May 13, 2014 5:15 pmConferenceCall
June 13, 2014SummerOuting, Carroll, Iowa - Trade
Show6:30-9 pm (CouldhaveBoardMeeting prior)
June 14, 2014SummerOuting, Carroll, Iowa –Semi-
nars, TradeShow, YardTour &BBQ
Amotion toadjournwasmadebyBrent; secondedby
Pat. Themeeting adjourned at 4 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Jeff Smid, Secretary
Boardof DirectorsMeeting
January23, 20141:00pm
DesMoines, Iowa
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