IAR Recyclers Newspress March / April 2014 - page 5

Recyclers News Press
Page 5
From theDeskof theExecutiveDirector
Yes it is cold outside and then, let’s hear it, “somuch
forGlobalWarming.” Deep sigh.
Since the early 20th century, theglobal air and sea
surface temperature has increasedabout 1.4 °F, with
about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980.
Each of the last three decades has been successively
warmer at theEarth’s surface thanany preceding
decade since 1850.
ReferenceWikipedia or a5th
grade science text book.
Global warming exists and no scientists disagreeon
this principle. The debate actually lies in
what is caus-
ing it
. Most scientists (90%) believe that is due toan
increase ingreenhousegas orGHG.WhetherGHG
causedglobal warming or exacerbated it probably
doesn’tmatter asmuchas theunderstanding that a
reduction inGHGwill slow the process. Adrastic re-
duction or elimination of emissionswould halt or slow
global warming to anatural pace that wouldmake
watching grass grow seem racy!
Whydoes climatechangematter to an
automotive recycler?
Because the science
behind the emission of greenhousegases is
what will set public policy during our lifetime.
Asweather patterns become erratic, flooding drives
water quality concerns. Drought highlights erosion
issues harkening back to thedustbowl days. Manu-
facturing and transportation pollution are targeted for
reduction ingreenhousegas emissions. Sonot only
arewedirectly affectedby the ratcheting up of envi-
ronmental rules and inspections but the technology
required to reduce tailpipe andmanufacturer smoke-
stack emissionswill drive automotive engineering
changes at anunprecedented pace.
Thegood news is that
reduce, reuse and recycle
continue tobe themantra of theEPA. The same song
automotive recyclers havebeen singing for over 70
The reduction cycle has already begunwithUSauto-
mobiles being driven formore years. Cars on the
highways inNorthAmerica aregetting older andbe-
ingmaintained for longer periods of timemuch like
the rest of theglobe. That in itself isgreat news for
folks selling autoparts. The reduction inmanufactur-
ing pollutionwill also slowdown as thebuilding of
new cars levels out tomeet the lower demand.
So celebrateEarthDaywithgusto this year knowing
that consumerswill be in themarket for usedauto
parts for their aging cars!
Thanks for listening
SueSchauls, Executive Director
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