IAR Recyclers Newspress March / April 2014 - page 7

Page 7
Recyclers News Press
Boardof DirectorsMeeting
February18, 2014—5:15pm
Members present: TracyHurst, SueSchauls, Tom
Quandt, Joel McCaw, Brent Nugent,MikeSwift, Tom
Snyder, BradOsborn, Jodi Kunde, EricC. Piper and
Jeff Smid.
President TracyHurst called themeeting to order at
5:18 p.m.
Tracy asked for approval on the priormeetingmin-
utes. MikeS.made amotion toaccept theminutes
aswrittenwith a 2
from Jodi;motion carried.
Feedback onPhoneCalls –There has beenpositive
feedback on the phone calls by the boardmembers to
Direct Members to talk to them about upcoming
events andask for comments/concerns. Someare
planning toattendHill Day and still need tomake their
reservations. There are concernswithparts being
sold too cheap, slow sales and high fees.
Scholarship – Jodi said she hasn’t received any appli-
cations yet but normally doesn’t receive themuntil a
week or 2 before thedeadline. There is a tentative
conference call scheduled for theScholarshipCom-
mittee (Jodi, Eric L. P.,MikeS. andTracy) forMarch
27, 2014at 5:15pm to discuss the applications. Sue
would like the recipients to come to theSummerOut-
ing in June.
PAC –Hill Day is Thursday, March 6
. See beow.
Membership –Dues have beenpaid by 58out of 67
Direct Members as reported bySue. Shehas also
been receiving renewals byAssociateMembers.
Hill Day - Sue said thePAC reception is ready togo
with the contract signed, room reserved, catering ar-
ranged and invitations sent. Shewill check on the
rooms reserved for booking by the IAR tomake sure
they are doubleoccupancy. Thereare still some
members planning to come but no reservationsmade
yet. LKQwill be sponsoring the receptionwith a do-
nation of $1500. TodBowman, Senator, will be a fea-
tured speaker at the event.
TheBoardmeeting onMarch 5
from 3-5 pmwill
cover broader topics such as: JimPiazza’s summary,
KevinFiskwith LKQ speaking,MikeSwift’sARADi-
rect andARA updates and a discussionon sales
Theevent has been promoted through email, Face-
book,mailed brochuresand phone calls tomembers.
LegislativeUpdate - There is nonewnews to report at
this time. JimPiazza, Jr. has beenbusyworking on
behalf of the IAR.
Sales - Sue said shehas been letting theSummer
Outing vendors know that the central theme is how
the vendors can help recyclers sell moreparts (core
selling, wire harness, CO sensors, key fobs).
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