IAR Recyclers Newspress January / February 2014 - page 15

Page 15
Recyclers News Press
Continued from front cover…
"I've tested language," says Luntz, explaining some of
the science behind the vocabulary. "I've tested 'small-
business owner,' 'job creator,' 'innovator,'
'entrepreneur' and nothing tests better than 'small-
business owner' because it represents all of those. It
represents someone willing to take a risk. It repre-
sents hard work and perseverance."
The other reason politicians like small business is
because small business votes.
A survey by the NFIB before the last presidential elec-
tion found that
small-business owners account for
about 11 percent of registered voters – about the
same as union members
. When you include those
who work for small businesses, the small-business
voting bloc swells to nearly 1/3 of the electorate.
Small-business voters support the candidates
who support small business, the candidates who
understand risk and free enterprise and will run
government with the prudence of a small-
business owner.
Small business supports the candidates who be-
lieve in sensible regulations and less bureauc-
racy and lower taxes.
Small business supports the candidates who will
spend taxpayers’ money wisely.
Small-business owners have to stick to a budget,
and they believe government should, too.
As we a new legislative session, we must remind our
Legislators that automotive recycling is made up of
family-owned small business owners.
Our businesses are making local sales, employing
skilled works, paying property and other taxes and
meeting environmental and safety requirements while
keeping the neighborhoods free of unwanted junk
In fact, the auto industry is actually exceptionally good
at these three R's, and it has been for quite a while.
The three R’s refers to a company's ability to
reuse, and recycle
raw materials. The Automotive
Recycler's Association has been around since the
1940s. According to a report from the group, roughly
86% of the material components of U.S. cars are re-
cycled or reused after those cars are off the road.
That sounds pretty good so let’s make an effort to
share our story with your elected officials and candi-
dates THIS year.
Small Business is Big Politics
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