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Iowa Automotive Recyclers

Board of Directors Meeting

March 24, 2015 5:15 pm


Recyclers News Press

Page 21

Sales Tax at the Pool – Sue would like to work on the

language development for the sales tax at the pool.

She said we’ll move on this in the fall and get help

drafting some language at that time. Sue said we

need to start looking ahead at other legislative priori-

ties to be worked on in the future and keep an on-

going list.

Review of Hill Day 2015 – Sue asked the board mem-

bers how they thought Hill Day went for the IAR.

Members who attended Hill Day said it was very well

done, educational, enjoyable and well attended. Is-

sues to look at to improve Hill Day next year include

working on the PAC reception for more collections

and checking out other hotels to use.

Summer Outing – Prairie Meadows – Altoona, IA on

May 29-30, 2015 – Sue said we would be honoring

the Vander Haags at an awards luncheon and asked

all board members to get involved in the awards pro-

gram by submitting photos, offering ideas and individ-

ual participation. Sue went over the schedule of the

Summer Outing: 6:30 – 9 pm on Friday will be the

vendor show, speakers on Saturday morning for 2

hours, the Awards Luncheon from 11 am to 1 pm, a

choice of the Vander Haag Des Moines facility tour or

Sue’s ICARE workshop Saturday afternoon, a second

vendor show 3-6 pm followed by the auction and Sat-

urday evening meal. It was decided to have the

board meeting 4-6 pm on Friday.

Green Recycled Parts Promotional Campaign – Sue

and Jordan have been working on a brochure; Sue

wanted to know what board members thought would

be the best way to roll that out. Nothing was decided

at this time although Sue and Jordan will get together

and map out a calendar to come up with a plan of ac-

tion to move forward with the campaign and go over

the brochure.

Who’s Who – Sue said the edition of Who’s Who is

close to going to print so will be mailed prior to the

Summer Outing. There was discussion on who to in-

clude in the mailing of the Who’s Who and the associ-

ated costs for a larger mailing vs the additional expo-

sure of reaching more businesses. It was suggested

we bring it to a vote by the membership to let every-

one decide if we spend the money involved in a larger

mailing or not. Sue asked for feedback from any of

the board members.

Other Business:

Harmari Report – Sue asked Alan at Harmari for a

quote on a 1-time drop of a message to Craigslist and

Facebook posts to remind them of Iowa codes regard-

ing sales of vehicles. The board voted last month to

authorize payment to Harmari to do this but Alan has

not sent a quote at this time.

Meeting Schedule

April 21, 2015 – 5:15 pm – Conference call

May 29-30, 2015 – 4-6 pm Prairie Meadows face-

to-face prior to the Summer Outing

June 16, 2015 – 5:15 pm Conference call

Tom S. made a motion to adjourn with a 2


from Jor-

dan. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Jeff Smid

Jeff Smid, Secretary