IAR Recyclers News Press November / December 2013 - page 1

What’s in Store for Inspections?
The Iowa Automotive Recyclers will
host the 3
Annual Hill Day on March
6, 2014 in Des Moines .
Like in previous
years the Legislative Breakfast will be
held from 7:00 am to 9:00 am in
the Legislative Dining Room of
the Iowa Capitol Building. A shuttle will be
provided from the host hotel, the Em-
bassy Suites in Des Moines, Iowa. At the
event IAR Members will meet and greet
Legislators with coffee and donuts to
November / December 2013
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
Visit our website
Summer Outing 2013 Recap
EPA Will Maintain Enforcement
Initiatives for 2014-2016.
In keeping
with its 3-year re-evaluation schedule,
the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) announced it will con-
tinue to target current National En-
forcement Initia-
tives, rather than
switching to new
ones for 2014
through 2016. So
if you were think-
ing the heat
might soon be off
your industry,
take note of the following ongoing
EPA enforcement activities.
According to the June 2013 an-
nouncement, the ongoing initiatives
are: Keeping raw sewage and con-
taminated storm water out of water-
ways. As part of the initiative the EPA
is touting green infrastructure alterna-
tives, including rain gardens, green
roofs, and permeable pavement, to
minimize pollution from storm water,
when applicable to the situation.
Today, the EPA is considering
changes to the framework that will em-
brace a new mind-
set about how they
address both new
and ongoing pollu-
tion scenarios that
continue to chal-
lenge both industry
and regulators
alike. This new
EPA strategy is dubbed “Next Genera-
tion Compliance,” or “Next Gen,” and
though still relatively unstructured, it
offers a much more proactive ap-
proach to compliance through in-
creased use of technology, transpar-
ency, and cooperation.
Continued on page 17...
3rd Annual Iowa Hill Day Set
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